
In the 2010 we celebrate 200 years of independence It was a very important day for the nation.

Many Chileans think they celebrate 18 makes Chileans Chileans. Because this celebration is considered part important of culture Chilean. I thinks the celebrations not typical or "traditional", maybe is more modern party. Today not is typical see the dance cueca, because is a dance not popular.
I Normally celebrated this party in my home with my family, dance cueca and eat food typical and meat very meat all the time. But also danced other musical styles in the "fondas" with my boyfriend, sister and friends.
My best 18 of September, was when small, because I could play all week with my cousins. Also we ate too much food and there was task is fantastic. I love my family because we are always together in all the holidays.
I don't know how to play many games typical, but I love flying kites in the sky is very beautiful.
I thinks the Chilean rodeo is very horrible because abuse of animals the rodeo. Is horrible and unbearable.