Wednesday, 3 June 2015

University of chile a place to create concience

facso is in strike because they have interal demands, like lack of money and problems in the infrastructurer, in the last years they have increased the number of enrolment and students at the same time, and because of this they have problems with the space where the student go to study, also, the distribution of money in the university is inequitable with they resources, then the faculties with more prestigies carrers Example: engineering, medicine, law. recive more money from the administration, in change, more social carrers recive less money.

from this strike we can obtain benefits, like , more equitative distribution of the resources obtained from the university and control of the enrolment to evade the saturation

the principal drawbacks are with the people who isn´t from santiago, because the spend a lot of money in  rent and food, also, the extend strikes provoke blank spaces in the carrer because, it cut the months of the semester

other means, it could be half-time classes, leaving free the afternoons, to plan marchs, petitions, cards, or if ocurred a extend strike, give the posibility to realize works who integrated the contents what they losee, without the necessity of being evaluated

thanks you!!!!!


  1. I agree with that way of protest, without lost much content, or harm those who come from regions.

  2. I think that there are a lot of faculties that receive more money, but I think there's also a problem in the administration of the money.

