Thursday 19 November 2015

Reading a book!!!!

Hello guys!!!!!

Today, I will talk about my favorite personal reading, is Harry Potter, I like reading this novel, because is very wonderful and fantastic. The main character is brave and powerful, nothing can destroy your will, and  I love the main character.

I read this book always when I can, in any place; I think I read about 20 times, the whole saga.
Now in this moment I am reading more manga,  because the manga is very interesting and I love the history of main character. In this moment I am reading the manga: ONE PUNCH MAN, this manga is very funny, also your scene are very epic. Also I am reading comic the deadpool, is my favorite character  in Marvel World, because is a hero and an evil man jajajajaja. I think I have the entire collection Deadpool, maybe only translated into Spanish.

Well, I love collecting comics (even digital comics), it is a passion that I share with a special person my husband, he is very fanatic of Marvel comics and Japaneses manga. 
I like reading, I always look for new novels, but i´m poor, so I cannot read as much as I would like. 
My favorite novels are romantic, but also read a lot of books ... I like mystery books  Stephen king style XD. 


  1. I really like Harry Potter´s books too, every time I read them it remains me of my childhood :3

  2. You could recommend me a manga to start, because I don't know much about this genre! :)

  3. Honestly I don’t know anything about Harry Potter, one time I see the Secret Chamber but that´s all. The manga sounds very interesting but I´m a completely ignorant in this topic.

  4. Oh Yajaira, for me has been very interesting read manga, I would one day have time to know better than to be treated, I think are very interesting as a hobby.

  5. To be honest I do not read comics and mangas, I do not like it. But I think it's because I've never tried to put more focus on them.

  6. I only saw the Harry Potter movies :( jajaja but I agree with you about Deadpool <3 He's the best!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hi Yajaira! in my blog I put the correction of your last post. Are you married?? Regards!
